One Simple Digital Tool Goal Driver enables goal driven leaders and their teams execute on their strategy. Sign Up Download our Ebook Power your business, the right way Canvases Stay ahead of the curve; use the proven power of canvases.GoalDriver includes the Lean and Business Model Canvas to help you document and develop a succinct and clear definition of your business. One Page Plan Share your plan with your team to ensure everyone is on the same page.A One Page Plan ensure your people know where the business is going and how it’s going to get there. Dashboards Share progress and performance across the business in real-time.Drive accountability and employee engagement by being transparent. Projects Keep a track of key strategic moves and initiatives.Ensure your people deliver their quarterly objectives by reporting progress in real-time. Metrics Keep a track of the key metrics which drive results.Ensure your people deliver the required activity and effectiveness by reporting progress in real-time. Meetings Run all your leadership and management meetings in one place.Record and follow up on meeting with notes, decisions, and agreed actions. Achieve your vision Sign Up